SMR Jodo
Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo is still training Monday and Wednesday nights at the MEAC starting at 7:00 pm. I would like to invite Kendo practitioners in Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei Jodo (or Seitei Jodo) to come along and work on your Kihon and Kata with us. There are but minor differences in the Kihon between SMR Jodo and ZNKR Jodo, and SMR Jodo practitioners in Toowoomba first start learning the Seitei Jodo Kata (again with minor differences to that of ZNKR Jodo) before moving on to our series of Kata.
So, if you would like to work on your skills with the jo, please feel free to come on Monday and Wednesday nights. See you there.