Inter Club shiai training
On Saturday, Sean and I went down to Brisbane to participate in the inter-Club shiai training hosted by Kenshinkai. It was the first one that we have been able to make since they were restarted a few months ago by John Isaacs sensei and it was great to catch up with members from Shubukai Gold Coast and the Kenshinkai folk.
As always there were some good lessons to be learned from the experience and inspirational to compete in a bought with Hiroko Tsukadaira sensei, who completely belies the fact she is in her mid 70s. It is a lesson that you can very much maintain your vitality and skill in a competitive contact sport as you get older. And it was lovely to get my hands on the flags and sharpen up my shinpan skills as well.
There is one more session due in December before the new year’s break. However, due to the jujutsu grading being run that weekend we are unlikely to be able to attend. Instead, we will look forward to more opportunities to practice shiai and hopefully organise a full competition next year!