Bun Bu Ryo Do - The USQ Martial Arts Club

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QKR seminar admin

Just a quick touch base for the QKR seminar this morning. We are wanting to finalise our accomodation this week , so for those attending, you could please reconfirm which nights you will be staying down with us. Please let Tracy or Sean know ASAP so you can definitely be accounted for when we are booking, rather than having to grab a swag/couch for the weekend.

Also remember that deadlines for grading applications are rapidly approaching. For Kendo, you need me to sign off on the paperwork before sending it through to the QKR. For Iaido Tom sensei will be signing off on this. At this stage, kendo and Iaido gradings will be available up to 3DAN, with Jodo still to be announced.

Have a great week everyone!