Keep up the good work folks!
After our call out last week to like and share BBRD posts on Facebook, we had a definite bounce in our analytic data for the week.
I’ll again ask that everyone once again like and/or share any BBRD post they see this week, just so that we can increase the share of the audience and bump up the occurrence of Club posts in members’ and friends’ feeds.
This week I’d ask three further things. First, if you could have a look at the official BBRD Facebook page and associated groups so that you can check to see if you are receiving all of the posts put up there. Second, please contribute some shared (or original) content to the various BBRD Facebook groups that you are a member of. Post your questions, observations, or just fun, martial arts related, stuff you come across when you are browsing.
Finally, could I ask that you make a comment on this post regarding what type of content you would like to see on social media, and, more importantly, which social media you would like to access that content on. Over the past few years we have started up some channels, but haven’t spent much time filling them with content outside of Facebook. So if you generally prefer to interact via Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or another media, let us know so that we can start to put the content you want in the media you access!