BBRD COVID-19 Member Charter
COVID-19 poses significant challenges to Club operations
With COVID still having consequences in the community, we would like to provide an important reminder of your obligations with respect to training.
Please read the following carefully. You will need to either fill the associated form online or sign and hand in a physical copy before your first session back. You will not be permitted to enter the dojo or to train unless you have done so. Signing in at the start of each subsequent session will be an acknowledgement that you continue to understand your obligations under this Charter.
In many respects, most of what we are required to do with respect to COVID is either a replication, or a small extension, of our usual procedures. We recommend that you re-acquaint yourself with the Member Code-of-Conduct, which outline your rights and responsibilities as a Club member in more detail.
Procedures will be italicised where they are explicitly linked to the Club’s COVID Safe obligations. When we are under subsequent easing of COVID-19 related restrictions, these sections may be revised. Please note, COVID-19 is the virus that causes the disease known as SARS-CoV-2.
If you are unwell you must stay away from the dojo. This includes as a spectator
If you have a pre-existing condition that you are experiencing an exacerbation of, you are welcome to observe. However, you must notify the supervising instructor of what you are experiencing and follow any and all directions provided by them.
You must notify the instructor if you have a transmissible skin infection (including but not limited to staphylococcus and tinea), and you will not be permitted to train till you have been medically cleared.
You must self-isolate if you are experiencing any known SARS-CoV-2 symptoms including fever, persistent cough, sore throat, sudden loss of smell, shortness of breath, and fatigue — even if these might be considered an exacerbation of an underlying condition. Report to your instructor/coordinator and Club President immediately.
If you are experiencing SARS-CoV-2 symptoms, once you have contacted your discipline instructor and/or coordinator, you must seek medical testing for COVID-19
You must not return to the dojo once you experience these symptoms unless you have sought medical clearance that you are not infectious with COVID-19, and have met any mandatory isolation/quarantine requirements.
Failing to notify your instructor/coordinator about feeling unwell or having been diagnosed with a COVID-19 infection is a very serious matter. The penalties can include, but are not limited to, exclusion from all Club activities for no less than three (3) months, revocation of Club and relevant State/National body membership, and fines as set by Government.
Time at the dojo must be limited to essential activities
We are required to follow the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) guidelines and principles, including “Get in, Train, Get Out — No hanging about”
Essential activities include necessary time to prepare sanitise the space prior to training and cleaning/packing away the space afterwards.
Once you have finished your contribution to cleaning the space you have used, you must exit the dojo and head home. Extended gatherings and discussions immediately after class are strongly discouraged and may be prohibited under Level 2 Restrictions.
You must be punctual to any class you wish to attend
You are expected to be at the dojo in time to assist with any pre-cleaning and set up activities that are necessary.
Unless it is with prior arrangement/notification, you will not be permitted to train if you arrive once the session has begun.
You are expected to come to the dojo dressed in the appropriate uniform as much as is practicably possible. If you are at the dojo for two or more consecutive sessions in a day, you will need to factor in setting up your uniform and equipment prior to the first session you undertake so as to be efficient in your transition between those classes.
If you become unwell while at the dojo, you must immediately notify the supervising instructor
If you begin to feel unwell, you must stop training.
If you sustain an injury while training, you must also cease activity and document the circumstances around the injury. This will be found done on the appropriate form found inside the incident reporting folder. This folder will be accessible inside the dojo space whenever there is any official Club activity. Under current COVID-19 procedures, this will be placed on the table at the entrance to the dojo.
If you begin to experience known SARS-CoV-2 symptoms, after you have notified the supervising instructor you must remove yourself from the dojo and either immediately leave the premises or go to the designated Isolation Room (Room F 1.50 in the CBRC) and wait to be collected.
If you have left the dojo under these circumstances, you must seek testing for COVID-19 as soon as possible, follow any instructions to self-isolate, and communicate the results of any testing to the supervising instructor.
Your personal hygiene must always be beyond reproach prior to, during and after training
These nails are too long for training.
Your body and uniform must be clean and dry prior to your arrival at the dojo
Fingernails and toenails must be trimmed and clean prior to training.
Hair must be clean and neat/tied back so as not to generate a hazard to self or others.
Personal items that you must bring with you to every class include:
Personal water supply/bottle (water is not publicly available at facilities under Stage 2 or 3 restrictions)
Sanitised dojo slip-on footwear
A separate towel for each session you attend. This will be used at the end of class to help clean areas that you have used in training in that session, and must be taken home and laundered by you.
A dedicated bag to transport any items used during training that may be contaminated and require laundering. This can be a plastic bag or liner, or another container, but needs to be waterproof.
Your own personal masks for classes where they are required. They can be disposable or a reusable cloth masks.
All of the necessary personal equipment and uniforms you will require for that session. Try to optimise the amount of equipment you bring so as to reduce your “footprint” and not encroach on the 1.5 minimum distance between yourself and others outside the keiko-jo.
“Street shoes” are to be removed prior to entering the dojo and designated slip-on footwear are to be worn in the common “non-training” areas of the dojo.
“Street shoes” are to be placed in the designated area identified in the dojo floor plan. While under COVID-19 restrictions, you are to use a sheet of paper towel to place your shoes on. This will be obtained at the entrance station after you have signed in and sanitised your hands. On exit, the sheet shall be disposed of in the provided bin located near the exit.
Only bare feet or specialist footwear are to enter/be used in the designated training area (keiko jo).
Hands must be sanitised both before entering and on leaving the dojo. Sanitiser will be provided on the sign-in/sign-out desks places at the entrance/exit.
Only bare, sanitised feet are permitted onto the mats. Sanitiser will be available at the edge of the keiko jo.
You must change your footwear according to the zone that you are currently in. For instance, if you leave the designated training space, you must put on your “dojo slip -ons”, and when exiting the dojo, you must put your “street shoes” on. This is especially important if needing to visit the toilet/shower room.
You must immediately attend to any break in your skin that develops during training, whether it be a burst blister, cut, or avulsion. Any blood must be immediately cleaned and equipment or floor on which it is spilled must be sanitised.
Your equipment and any personal items must be in good repair and stored neatly in the designated areas while in the dojo.
You are expected to ensure that your equipment is in good repair/order before you come to the dojo and that while in the dojo your items are placed neatly in the designated areas.
You are to ensure that the placement of your equipment and personal items does not impede any other user’s access to the facility or their own items.
While under Level 3 restrictions, we will be ensuring that there is 1.5m distance between places where your items might be placed during the session. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not encroach on other spaces, and maintain a 1.5m distance between other participants.
If you experience an equipment failure, you must attend to it immediately and either repair or replace that item. Under COVID-19 Level 3 restrictions, Club or loan equipment can be used, but any item so shared must be sanitised at the end of use before being returned to the appropriate location.
COVID-19 procedures must be followed as per the BBRD COVID-19 Safety Plan (the Plan)
A copy of the current version of the Plan will be kept of the Club’s Google Drive, and available via the Club’s website
It is every member’s responsibility to have read the plan, and to seek clarification where necessary if they are unclear of their obligations under it.
Areas will be marked inside the Aerobics room of the CBRC so clearly delineate the zones defined in the Plan
Members are to follow the directions of the senior instructor for each keiko-jo (training space) with respect to enacting the directives of the Plan.
In general, social interaction and physical contact must be limited to what is necessary for training purposes. Hugging, handshakes, high-fives, corps-a-corps etc. are strongly discouraged, and maintaining 1.5m physical distancing actively encouraged, especially outside the defined training area.
Participants will be required to bring their own water to training as under current restrictions bubblers and other water sources are off limits. Please ensure that you bring sufficient for personal use based on the intensity of training and conditions as you are not permitted to share water with other participants.
There is no food or drink to be consumed in the dojo space.
We ask that you consider downloading and using the Government’s COVID Safe app.