Bun Bu Ryo Do - The USQ Martial Arts Club

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Date Claimer: Wednesday 26 February Club Muster

The Toowoomba date for the start of year USQ Student Life Club Muster will be Wednesday 26 February from 12-2 pm in R-block/the Quad. Set up and pack up times will be a bit extended either side of this time, so even if you can’t make the whole event, your help would be most appreciated.

Part of what we will be doing in the lead up will be an evaluation of the suitability and stock levels for our advertising materials, so if you have any particular thoughts, please pass them through.

This year we have a number of our regular folk unable to make the day, so in order to plan our activities, could you please let me know ASAP your availability so that we can commit to specific demonstrations during that time period.