Thank you, Tomoko Sneath!
After a long period of deliberation, Tomoko Sneath has made the decision to step down from the co-coordinatorship of Toowoomba Taiko. She will still be actively involved in the Group and help to teach Taiko through the Club.
I want to pay a special thanks to Tomoko for all of her efforts in the role since the initial thoughts were put together to set up a Taiko group in Toowoomba. Over the years, she has been central to the creation of the group, a driving force behind the amazing donation of wadaiko by the City of Takatsuki, and a lynch pin of the group’s public performances.
I would also like to thank her for all of her personal support over the years in my role as President, and her thoughtful contributions to the Executive committee. While we will all miss your presence there, I will be comforted by your continued involvement with the Club, and look forward to the creative direction that Taiko will take.
Michelle Wiersma will be going forward representing the interests of Taiko at the Executive, and as the first point of contact for people interested in taking up the practice of Taiko in Toowoomba.