First week back — solid foundations laid
It is particularly wintery this morning here in Toowoomba, and I’m currently sitting quite snugly inside looking out as Middle Ridge is being blanketed by misty rain.
One thing that is warming though is the embodied reminder of our first week back to face-to-face training and in our new location. All disciplines trained at the CBRC this week, including Daen F’s new Bankoku Jujutsu class on Thursday night. It was also lovely to see Student Guild CEO Jenny Rix, stop by on Thursday night to see how we were settling into the new space. It has been delightful to have been so warmly welcomed by Jenny and the rest of her team this week, and I am very much looking forward to building on that relationship.
We will still be bedding down a few things over the next couple of weeks. This includes taping out the keiko/shiai-jo areas on the floor, and sorting out specific protocols for placement of personal equipment for those training. We will also be looking to set up the virtual dojo links for the greater Club diaspora in the next two weeks so that people can join in with Hombu classes in real time.
What we have sorted though (for now at least) is the class timetable. I have done a bit of updating on the Club’s website, so that the times for training should now be all up to date. Major things to note are some changes to Saturday classes. Specifically:
Having a Systema class, which will run 3.30-5.00 pm,
A second Iaido class running straight after Kendo from 3.30-4.30 pm
Jujutsu now starting at 4.30 pm and running through till 6.00 pm
FlexiFit will remain as a Zoom class on Sundays from 5.30-6.30 pm. It is a pleasant way to finish off a week, and makes sense given that a majority of the current class participants are now out of town/interstate. A link to register for the class can be found on the FlexiFit page of the Club website. Virtual classes are either part of your monthly contribution, or you will need to purchase a “Ten pack” of classes for $20. This can be done either through direct bank transfer, you you can purchase them through the Club website.
Just a quick note that until the CBRC is open for regular Saturday use, you will have to use the rear fire stairs to enter the dojo of a weekend. The sign-in/hand sanitising desk will be set up at that end of the room for you to do as you would for a regular weeknight class. Please remember street shoes off before you step onto the wooden floor area! We were noticing that the floor became quite slippery once wet, so we will need to be mindful of keeping it clean and dry.
So onwards and upwards everyone for the new week. I’m looking forward to seeing even more of you back in classes this week. Stay warm, be well, and happy training!