Bun Bu Ryo Do - The USQ Martial Arts Club

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Kendo: "To Dos" for this week ...

There are several things for Toowoomba kendoka to attend to this week. First, and most important is to ensure that you have paid your QKR membership renewal before Wednesday. Remember: no membership, no insurance; and no insurance, no training. There are details on the QKR website for dealing with direct debit transactions. Please include your QKR membership number and your surname in the information you provide for any direct debit. It will ensure a much more efficient processing of your renewal.

Second, it to make it along to training at the CBRC on Wednesday afternoon. After two weeks of forced absence, I am very keen to get in there and pick up the training intensity. Please bring your bokken and/or your suburito as we will be building up our training in the coming weeks leading to the demonstrations we will be putting on for the 10th Annual Toowoomba Languages and Cultures Festival.

Third is to send best wishes for those travelling down to Collingwood Park this weekend to participate in the QKR winter seminar, particularly those attempting gradings. James Archer is the only BBRD person attempting a grade (for nikkyu in iaido), but we wish all the grading candidates the best.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at training this week!