I would just like to express my gratitude for the generosity and guidance provided this weekend by visiting instructors, Stui Owens and Klara Lantray-Owens. It was wonderful to gain their insight and perspective on Kyudo, Iaido and Jodo. For me personally, it was inspirational to receive some advice regarding training post knee-reconstruction surgery. In addition, both Tracy and Maaike displayed their innate aptitude for Kyudo, which was awesome to witness. Well done the both of you!
There are a few things coming up for the Kohokai over this next month (and a bit). First, from 7th November 2015 till the end of the year, the venue and times for Saturday training for Kohokai will change. Training will now be from 10.00AM until 12.PM, at Mt Crosby St Michaels’ Anglican Church, 3407 Moggill Road, Moggill. For Toowoomba based folk you have two options to get there — via Mt Crosby or head into Brisbane and take the Moggill ferry.
There are also two date claimer. First, Russell Lawrence-sensei, Go-dan Seitei Iaido and Jodo, has confirmed that he will be visiting Brisbane on 28 & 29 November for a personal visit and training with Tom Johnson and Kohokai, focussing on Iaido and Jodo. Training will be for both days. We will post more information as details firm up, but we are expecting a similar format to this weekend past with Iaido and Jodo on the Saturday, then Kyudo, Iaido and Jodo on the Sunday.
The second is a reminder to lock in the Qld Kendo Renmei Seminaron 12th and 13th December, at the Redbank Plains /Collingwood Park Sports Centre. More details on that will also be posted in the Kendo news.