We will be holding the Annual General Meeting on Saturday 2 April after the completion of the Dojo Day.
We are still looking for someone to nominate as Treasurer for this year coming. Please give it some consideration, and talk with one of the current Executive members.
Please remember that if you have not paid membership this calendar year i.e. after 1 January 2016, you will have to ensure that you pay on or before that date. If you are not a financial member, you cannot participate in the AGM, and you will not be allowed to train under the banner of the Club, as membership includes your insurance cover. We will have a PayPal reader available so you can pay on the day with debit or credit cards (if necessary). Our very strong preference is that we operate cashless — unless you have a compelling reason to pay in cash, you must either directly transfer into the Club bank account, use the Stripe facility on the Club's website, or pay on the Saturday with card.