The date has been set for the BBRD Jujutsu Autumn grading opportunity. This year, we shall be evaluating up to and including 4KYU on Saturday 20 May. The start time for the physical evaluation will commence at 10 am, though candidates will be expected to be at the dojo earlier to help prepare the MEAC. It is expected to run approximately till 12.30 pm.
This year, both Steve Witney, sensei, and Jason Griffths, sensei have indicated that they will also serve on the panel to assess and provide feedback to candidates.
There are a number of people eligable to test for 6KYU at this opportunity, which represents a culmination of the nyumon portion of the syllabus, and is hence a major milestone in their budo journey. Therefore, I would like to encourage everyone who can to come along and support the candidates on the day, even if you are not being tested yourself. This can be as an uke, photographer, steward, or just moral support. We will also have lunch at the conclusion of the shinsa. Friends and family are also very welcome to come and observe. Closer to the time we will ask for approximate numbers so that we can cater appropriately.
For candidates preparing to be tested, you first step is to download the relevant grading sheet and evaluate it carefully. These can be obtained from the BBRD Group on Facebook, or you can ask Michael to email you directly. Make sure you check the requirements for the grade in the centre column, make notes/questions about items that require clarification, and ask Michael, sensei, during regular class.
I want to wish the best for all those preparing in the next month, and as they say in the classics, your examination starts ... now.