School holidays are here: Dojo clean and equipment stocktake

School holidays are upon us and the Club has he opportunity to again leave the tatami down for the next two weeks.

We will be engaging in our regular mid-winter clean of the MEAC and the tatami, and it also provides us with an opportunity to do a stock take and repair/replace of the Club's equipment.

Given the weather today, I am going to suggest that Wednesday afternoon and Saturday afternoon be the two main days for this activity. Wednesday afternoon will be a general clean/tidy, and Saturday will be for the stock take. Both will commence at 3 pm.

It will also allow us to trial our new cleaning roster for the MEAC. Please remember that if you volunteer, you can earn up to $40 in dojo credits (Dojo Dollars) to put towards your training contributions. The $40 pool of funds is available each week for cleaning the toilet area and giving the MEAC floor a mop down, which can be divided up to four ways depending on the number of people who sign up for it each week. The sign up roster is available next to the Club's equipment in the store room.