While we are heading towards the end of the month, I’m excited to see the return of some old classes, the start of a new time slot/class and some major events coming up in the month of September.
Coming up this week ...
First, Michael C is back from his trip to Canada to visit family and to attend the Systema summer camp. He is scheduled to recommence Tuesday night classes from this week, and has confirmed he will be there both Tuesday night and Saturday to run classes. For those of you who have been hanging out to try or recommence Systema, this week would be a perfect opportunity to do so.
Second, Michael S will be starting a second fencing class this week. It will run from 6–7.30 pm of a Wednesday before Kendo and be focussed as an adults class, leaving Tuesday nights as more of a children’s focussed class.
Third, after more than a month away, Dylan ought to be back this afternoon to run Arnis and Systema at the MEAC from 5 pm. It will be great to see both him and the others get back into the swing of things.
Fourth, there will be no Jujutsu training this Saturday. Brady and I are off to Brisbane to complete the practical component of the NCAS coaching accreditation on Sunday, and so will need the time Saturday to prepare. Kendo ought to be unaffected.
To things coming up in September ...
The Club has two committments on the weekend of the 22nd and 23rd September. It is the weekend of the Australian University Division 1 National Championships, which will see Kateena Martin represent USQ in Kendo and Jack Baker represent in Judo. It is also the weekend of the Toowoomba Carnival of flowers, for which the Club has been asked to deliver a Taiko and martial arts demonstration in the Toowoomba Japanese Garden.
While this will split the Club’s available members between the Gold Coast and Toowoomba, I’m confident that we will be able to have sufficient to properly support both events. We will be talking to folk this week to lock support, and let you know what we will be requiring at both events.
As always, have a great week ahead, and I will look forward to seeing you at the dojo!