Tozando order

Our friends at Tozando in Kyoto have undertaken a significant update of their website, and are currently fine tuning some of their systems including being able to automatically add the Dojo Discount to orders placed, and a few of their for-sale items including Kyudo equipment. As a consequence, they are having to manually add the discount and items not currently listed as “addable” to the cart.

We are wanting to get a group order placed by mid next week so that we are able to kit out some of our newer members with uniforms and equipment. To aid that, could you please have a look at and then e-mail Sean Thompson at by Friday with what you are interested in purchasing. He will then provide you with the details of how much you will need to deposit into the Club’s purchasing account (different from the one you usually place you Club fees into). Tozando lists its price in US dollars, so you will need to convert to Australian dollars. If you budget roughly for a rate where you multiply the list price by 1.26 you will get a rough approximation of what you will need to pay based on the current exchange rate and Club discount. This price is inclusive of shipping. The exchange rate is subject to variation, so you will be told exactly how much just prior to placing the order.

Once you have been told what you owe (and where to direct it), we will look to place the order mid next week.