What a rush. QKR Summer Seminar seminar wrap up.

Well, what can i say? As i sit on my bed in the sweltering heat, half dazed from the energy output of the past weekend hitting all at once. This was going to be a long post in the group chat but i though “why not make it a Budo Blog?”

Needless to say the past 10 weeks have been challanging on all fronts, with COVID restrictions and Sensei being away from the Dojo leaving a hole that I don’t personally think could be entirely bridged by Zoom meeting feedback. I take my role as Kendo Coordinator seriously to almost an obsessive degree based on a shear love for the art, and as a result i really enjoy the QKR weekend seminars as a highlight in my yearly calendar Catching up with everyone from around the State, enjoying the company of those who stay with us over the weekend, the food, the drink, and the laughter.

These Seminar weekends bond those who attend them, making us not only a bunch of people who “play”with bamboo swords twice a week, but a unit, a team if you will. And I really think this particular weekend is a prime example, I think we all came together this weekend.

We had two people from Toowoomba grading in Kendo, but the few that didn’t found a passion to make sure they do next time. Our two Kenshi to grade were Lachlan and John, both double grading to 5 kyu, and as the one running classes mid week for the last 10 weeks i couldn’t be more proud.

The rest of the kendo contingent for this seminar (Kateena and Mitch) both impressed the sensei with their intensity — Mitch having not practiced much in the past few months, has returned ready to hook in.

I will admit feeling guilty being preoccupied with Iaido commitments. However Kateena did a brilliant job keeping everything together on the Kendo side.

There is not really much more that i can really say other than the whole weekend being a great success, and I feel confident in the incoming year that we can make more great weekends like this happen.


Sean T