Online classes rolling out from this week

The last fortnight has certainly felt a little strange as we have all adjusted to the constraints of the socially distanced life. Sara and I went out on our first “commuting” bicycle ride together this morning — a jaunt out from and back to home— in an attempt to make our work day seem a little more normal, and at least get out in the beautiful fresh morning we have today.

It is a good time to remind everyone that best practice guidelines suggest that at a minimum you ought be doing 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week, with a minimum of 30 minutes per day is ideal, in order to maintain good health. And good health, both mental and physical will be necessary to ride out the next few months while we are all in the current state of lockdown.

To help both your physical and technical capacity, the Club will be starting to offer some modified classes via Zoom. We have already had a soft launch with Systema last week, and Michael C will be continuing to run one hour sessions of Systema callisthenics and solo technical drills from 7 pm Tuesday nights and 11 am Saturday mornings.

We will be rolling out FlexiFit, Iaido, Kendo suburi and Jujutsu jumbi undo from this week, and other disciplines including Taiko, Arnis and Go will be looking to offer sessions too. Links to the classes will be available later today (Monday 6th) via the Club’s COVID-19 page ( and we shall also be putting up additional resources for you to look at and read in order to ensure that you can come out of the other side of this period ready to start training.

The Club has purchased a Zoom Pro account, through which we will run the sessions. We may be asking for folk to make a small contribution so that we can continue to offer this service — for instance a “10 pack” of classes for $20— but we will make an announcement about this in next week’s Bulletin once we have had more of a discussion around what is fair and sustainable.

For this week, if you are interested, simply contact your regular instructor/discipline coordinator for the log in details including meeting ID and password.

Hope to see you in the (virtual) dojo this week!