New month in jujutsu — nage waza

With school out and summer in full swing, Jujutsu moves to the ground during December.

The Club is now responsible for ensuring the cleanliness of the MEAC till school goes back at the end of January and I just wanted to remind all Jujutsu practitioners that it is everyone's responsibility to maintain a hygienic training environment. Can everyone please bring to class:

  • A set of footwear that can be slipped on every time you walk off the mat. This is particularly important if you are stepping outside or to the toilets.
  • An old towel that will be used to give the mats a quick wipe down at the start of class. The dojo does have some spares if you forget, but we would like to share the laundry load around.
  • A drink container to be left at the edge of the mat so that you can remain hydrated during training.