We held a Club Executive meeting on Friday to discuss preparations for the academic year ahead and planning for the next two months.
First, I would like to formally welcome Sean Crust and Tracy Campbell onto the executive in their roles as the coordinators for Systema and Seitei Iaido respectively. We are all looking forward to working with them in the year ahead.
Second, we are currently working towards supporting Jesse Gough to run a regular fire-twirling class under the auspices of the Club. Jesse is an experienced teacher, and while not directly "martial" in nature, fire twirling provides an excellent opportunity to improve coordination and dexterity. Before people become too excited (or concerned), the "fire" part of the fire twirling requires a considerable foundation of "twirling" skills, so it will be some time before anything is set on fire.
Third, there are some additions and changes to the regular class timetable that will kick in from mid this week. Posture and Flexibility (now called FlexiFit) will be moved from Tuesday to Wednesday 6–7 pm. Sean Crust will be running a PunchFit class on Mondays (also 6–7 pm), and Jodo will start 30 minutes earlier at 7 pm on both Monday and Wednesday nights. Also, Michael Conroy has again expressed interest in running a Saturday late-morning Systema class (probably starting either 10.30 or 11 am) but we will confirm that over the next week or two.
Fourth, could I ask that you start giving some consideration as to whether you might want to step into the role of Treasurer for the Club. For USQ students, it is a role that contributes towards Phoenix Awards, and is relatively low work. It requires you to do a monthly reconciliation of the in-goings and outgoings from the Club's account, counter sign the "spendings" that we have to do, maintain the membership database, and make yourself available for monthly Executive meetings.
Finally, can you look to spare some time on Wednesday 24 February for Market Day at USQ. This is one of our main opportunities to encourage new members, so your assistance will be most valuable and helpful! More details next week ...