Student Life Expo and Club muster Wednesday 24 February

It is already that time again with the start of USQ academic year rapidly approaching. I want to wish everyone starting or continuing their studies all the best for the coming year, and hope for a less disrupted year than last.

Club muster this year will be on Wednesday 24 February. This provides one of our key opportunities to interact with the University community and see if we can get a few more folk along to classes.

As usual, we will run an information booth and some demonstrations depending on available space and availability of Club members to participate. This year it will be held on the “Engineering Lawn” between Y-Block and the Japanese Garden. We will require helpers to get equipment from the CBRC and set it up and put it back, as well as staffing the booth and demonstrations. The overall time commitment for the Club is between 10.30 and 3 pm (including bump in and out), though any time that you can be available during this window will be appreciated.

If you are available on that day, it would be wonderful to have your support. Please let myself or your relevant discipline coordinator as soon as you can so that we can start to plan for the event.