It seems a little at times that the position of Club Treasurer is a little like the Hogwarts teaching position of "Defence Against the Dark Arts", in that our Treasurer's have rarely extended their tenure beyond a year.
In that vein, I would like to express the gratitude of the Executive to Kristina for her efforts in the role as Treasurer this year. Kris has done more than anyone else to bring some order to the unruly rag-tag collection of invoices and membership forms that have accumulated over the years. Anyone familiar with the Dylan Moran comedy Black Books might have some appreciation for the enormity of the task that Kris faced when she took on the job.
The plan is that the Treasurer's responsibilities will be divided up among the remaining Executive until the AGM, which will be held in March. However, if one of you have a burning desire to step into the role, please let yourself be known and we can introduce you to what needs to be done!