I am writing with a little sadness to inform Club members that Stuart Shaw has made a decision to leave the Club.
Stuart has been teaching Chinese Martial Arts under the auspices of the Club for the past three years, and had at various times helped to facilitate Systema and Arnis sessions. He was instrumental in bringing Jugger to Toowoomba, and has been actively promoting the Chinese combat sports of Sanda and Dragon Wrestling.
Unfortunately, after an extended period of negotiation, Stuart opted not to accept the framework agreed to by the rest of the Executive Committee for running classes under the banner of the Club.
I understand that Stuart has communicated in some way to his affected students, and that he is intending to take some time off from teaching to concentrate onother projects and recover from a few niggling injuries.
I would like to reiterate that all students/participants in Stuart's activities remain members of BBRD and are most welcome to participate in any of the other disciplines and activities that are supported by the Club. However, you will have to contact Stuart directly regarding his future plans for Tai Chi Ch'uan, Dragon Wrestling, Sanda and Jugger.
We wish Stuart all the best in his future endeavours and hope to see continued success for his initiatives in Toowoomba.