I wanted to thank John Isaacs sensei and the Kenshinkai for providing the opportunity to do some intensive training on Saturday. The weather was hot and humid, but the spirit clear and strong as we trained from 8.30am–3.30pm with people from the Brisbane and Gold Coast. Good practice, too, for the December seminar and grading.
For all kendoka and seitei iaidoka at BBRD, the 12th and 13th of December is fast approaching. We will be at the Collingwood Park sports complex at Redbank. The specific schedule for both days will be advised soon, though it will include continued practice for competitors and shinpan for the AKC.
Costs will be $30 for the weekend or $20 per day. Suggested arrival time 8.00 am for bow in 8.30 am until 4.30pm both Saturday and Sunday.
It is hoped that we will be able to offer grading opportunity to Yondan in Kendo and Nidan in Iaido. Again, dependant on available sensei or suitable members, Jodo grading might be offered through to Shodan. It is hoped that these grading levels will be confirmed in the coming week.
Grading fees must be received into the QKR bank account and grading applications to be sent to the president president@qkr.asn.au or delegate delegate@qkr.asn.au by the 27th November. No late applications will be accepted.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Tom Johnson: president@qkr.asn.au.