For those that have not heard yet, Tony Schirmer is about to leave the fair City of Toowoomba to pursue the bright lights and faster broadband speeds offered in Brisbane. As a consequence, his last regular night for training with the Club will be this Thursday. I speak on behalf of everyone when I say that his regular presence will be missed on the mats, except of course for Tracy's feet — they probably won't might the respite.
To celebrate and wish him a bon voyage, Thursday night we will only go through to 8 pm and then head down to the Mort Estate Hotel to share some chip and a quiet drink (so no Systema or Seitei Iaido training this Thursday).
Of course this does not mean we won't expect Tony back semi regularly for Saturday training! But regardless of how often we see you, I want to wish you the best of luck with your future professional direction, and let us know how you are going when you start training down the hill.